The Strange Case of Dr. Mario and Mr Game and Watch

It is febuary and the year is 1897. I was six years old. My friend had just gotten a supper gameboy for his supper nintendo. He gave me his old gameboy as not needing it anymore with his new supper nintendo and with the new gameboy collor coming out the next year. He gave me the gameboy console itself, a hole bunch of batteries and a wall charger. And 2 games. Dr Mario becuase his ant had bought him an extra copy without noing he had another copy of the game. And game and watch gallery becated uase it had come out a few days ago and he he hated it. Oh and it is a good time to tell you that I am japanese so I got the game a long time before3 it came out in america. I loved the games they werwe awsoeme. 
I played the games nonstop for the next few years playing them day and naight. But by the time Middle school rolled around in 2002 I had moved to americA, LEARNED ENGLISHH AND HAD GROWN out of video games/ By 2004 I was in 8th grade and depressed I went home to find that my little sister had sold my gameboy and my games and MY AC ADAPTER TO BUY A PHORN. I was outraged and I told my mom she said that she thought I didn't like video games anymore so she let her sell the games. I WAS SO MAD THAT I WENT DOWN TO THE STORE TO BUY THE GAMES BACK BUT THE OLD MAN had already sold the games. I went back home and broke by sister's cell phorn, this was before smartphorns and got grounded. 
Years passed by until 20117 when I went to a grocrey store in north korea and bought a copy of Dr. Mario for the gameboy from some old dude I found sitting in the drain pipe to the sewer. He said to me "I wouldn't play that game, or your be like me a monster!" I took the game anyaway and went back home. I got my new gameboy advance sp and put in the game. I then went on amazon and ordered a brand new in the box copy of Game and Watch Gallery for $99.98
+ $4.52 shipping. The game would come six days later so in the mean time I decided to play Dr. Mario. The game was completley normal. Excepet for the factg that it wasn't normal at ALL. The viruses were sad as if they were going to be killed and they appeared to be crying to what appears to be "Tears". And for doctor mario, he had an evil look on his face as if he was a cereal killer. I thought "Eh minor glitch must have too much dust in it". But when I cleaned it it became even worse.
He now also had blood on him and there was some wierd triangle thing by the score. I kept playing and as I did I heard the crys of the viruses as if they wanted to live. And the musics became the sound of when you farted as wario in super smash bros brawl remixed into the ghost house theme from super mario world. This was clearly a hacked game and not a glitch. When I beat the level all the viruses died and were bloody. Text appeared that said "If you keep up this pace you will be a monster".
I then took the game out and flushed it down the toilet. I then was sitting down to eat super when the delivery person knocked on my door. He gave me the package and I opened it and It was game and watch gallery but it wasn't in the box ! I yelled at the delivery man and he said "Please! Don't be a monster!" I then sat down and played the game which was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I played the oil panic mini game but instead of oil it was blood! Yoshi ate the blood and grinned, he liked it.
But then mr game and watchappeared on my screen and said "You did not listen, you will now be a monster" Then my skin got darker and darker until I was completley black and I was a monster! I then went out to the hospital and raped the nurse. Ever night I become a monster and it's all because of the old man. Three words of advice
1. Never buy video games from creepy old men
2. Never buy bootleged games
3. Always listen to characters in a video game who are in a haunted game.
The end